Thursday, October 11, 2007

Playground, Library, Pottery & Gym - Tuesdays

An OUTDOOR PLAYGROUND by Lake Eva in Haines City is a great spot to meet for play on Tuesday mornings.

The PUBLIC LIBRARY on the same side of the street as the playground has a children's reading event during this time.

A POTTERY STUDIO in the community center across the street from the playground is also open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon. The fee is $2 per person using the materials supplied, which includes glazes, translucents, opaque stains, and some practice pieces of greenware and bisque. Brushes and sculptures at bargain prices are available for sale. Volunteers create the molds and run the studio. Children are requested to sit quietly so they need to bring schoolwork or a craft to work on if they are too young to work on pottery. There is also a conference room next door that is usually unoccupied with tables and chairs.

The OPEN GYM in the community center is also available on Tuesday mornings. Basketball and volleyball courts are set up and ball check-outs are free.

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